Systems Set Up

We’ll get your systems and processes set up and ready for a outsourcing & scaling.

Operations Onboarding & Training

We match you with your perfect-fit team member and take care of onboarding & training

Ongoing Management & Systems Updates

We make sure your systems and processes grow with you with quarterly check-ins and updates, plus we provide ongoing management of your businesses operations.

If your systems and processes are not in order, you’re not ready for a virtual assistant.

Don’t waste months paying a VA to try and figure out your chaos. What you really need your VA to do is take a bunch of stuff off your plate so you can do what you do best and grow and scale your business.

Our One-Time-Fee 60 Days Systems Set Up Includes:

Your Systems Audit: This comprehensive audit uncovers how you can save hours of valuable time each month.

Your Systems Set-Up: This customized approach allows us to set up and organize all your systems and processes to save you time and money.

You’re good at what you do.

You’re finally at that place of awesome success when you know you need help. Like yesterday.

You know getting your operations under control is key to taking your business to the next level.

The problem is you’re busy.
Like really busy.
Too busy to:

Set up systems and processes so you are actually ready for a VA.

Find a VA who’s a good match for you with the right skills, at an affordable rate.

Train your VA and monitor their progress.

Manage and evaluate your VA regularly.

Meet with your VA to update your systems and processes on a regular basis as your business evolves and grows.

Megan Giles

Founder, MG Graphics

“You HAVE to talk to the Systems to Scale team. They are incredibly organized. I’ve tried to hire VAs twice since I started my biz. Both times I ended up frustrated. 60 Days Systems to Scale is heaven-sent! Not only are they writing up my Standard Operating Procedures so even a monkey could come in and check my email, but the phrase that won me over was also ‘we will do the hand-holding while training your VA so they aren’t bothering you with how to do something they could google.’ Save yourself the time and hassle and talk to the STS team!”

Avoid wasted time and money

We help you get your systems and processes set up and in ship-shape so you and your new VA don’t waste months spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to streamline everything and figure out who does what.

Do what you do best

Your new VA is the perfect fit for you and is trained in all your systems and processes ahead of time so you can hand off unwanted tasks right away and spend your valuable time using your superpowers to grow your business. There’s no time for thumb-twiddling on our watch – your new VA is equipped to get right down to work.

Take your business to the next level

While you’re a worry-free busy bee, we train, monitor, and evaluate your VA’s progress. We meet with your VA regularly to update your systems and processes as your business grows and evolves. You experience freedom like never before to spend time doing what you love while your VA does the rest.

Are any of these questions blocking your growth?

Bet you can relate to a bunch of these.

How can I be sure I won’t go to all the trouble of training a VA only to have them hit the road in a few weeks?

How do I find one with the right skills who’s also a good fit and aligned with my mission and worldview?

I feel like I might not get a good return on my investment and that a good VA is just going to be too expensive.

How can I make sure my VA is staying busy?

How do I track and evaluate what my VA is up to without micromanaging or feeling like an ogre?

I’ve been doing all of this myself for so long, I’m resistant to hand off tasks to someone else. It feels like no one else can do this stuff the way I do it. What if something falls through the cracks?

I’m worried that if I give over responsibilities to a VA, the whole business might come crashing down on my head.

I know how to keep everything running, but I’m pretty sure no one else can make sense of my chaos. I need help getting my systems and processes in order before I hire a VA.

I’m scared I’m gonna waste months and months paying my VA to try and set up systems and processes for me when that might not be his/her specialty. ​

What I really need my VA to do is take a bunch of stuff off my plate so that I can scale my business. Once I have a VA, how can I be a good steward of his/her time and mine?

We’ve been there…

And we’ve got what it takes to help you out.

Get your act together

Getting your systems and processes in order is tough and time-consuming and keeping up with ongoing changes as you grow is an ongoing battle. We all know that orderly, repeatable processes within the proper systems are key if we want to grow.

We’ve got you.

Get your perfect-fit VA

Don’t waste a skinny minute obsessing over how to find a VA who’s the perfect fit for you.

Don’t waste months doing all the training and explaining only to realize you’ve chosen the wrong person for the job.

We’ve got you.

Get on with growth

YOU bask in the glory of having a gazillion things finally off your plate.

WE take care of everything from paying your VA, monitoring progress, evaluations, check-ins, quarterly systems audits, ongoing training, resources, and more.

We’ve got you.

Know someone who could benefit from Systems to Scale?

Tell your friends about our services!

If they sign up, we send you cash.
Contact us for details.

Don’t need a VA but want help getting your systems and processes in order?
We’ve got you.
Don’t need help with systems and processes but still need a VA?
We’ve got you.

We offer all types of Virtual Assistants 
at 20, 40 or 60+ hours a month.

General VA:

A general VA is considered a “Jack of all trades” and can handle all the administrative duties for a small business owner and can help you offload many of your day-to-day tasks. Things like: email management, calendaring, customer service, and keeping your basic systems up to date.

Specialized VA:

Specialized VA’s have more extensive experience and knowledge in some areas of specialty like social media management, content creation, website editing/updates, email marketing, creating lead funnels, marketing ads, etc.

Plans & Pricing

Oh my gosh! Systems to Scale has helped me so much! They not only helped me find a great VA, but they set up my systems to make them more efficient, they helped organize the transition from my previous VA and they created a game plan to move forward and took it all from there! I’m so excited I got the opportunity to work with them.

Dana W.

Lauren is a business systems   set-up specialist who helps   small business owners like us who wind up doing everything ourselves. What that means for me is that Systems to Scale is keeping me sane! I’m thrilled with what this means for freeing up my schedule.

Mary Beth O.


You know it’s time to get off the fence and get growing.


We specialize in working with independent and self-employed entrepreneurs. These are businesses in various industries that do 90% of their business online. These are often coaches, consultants, and creatives.

We typically find that those who have been in business for a year or more are ready for our help, but there are some exceptions. Some folks who are just getting started are ready to get everything in order right away and outsource all the things.

We have worked in many online business industries across the board and have found that no matter how unique your industry is, the foundations and systems you need in order to run smoothly and effectively are the same.

Being busy is exactly why you need 60 Days Systems to Scale. We help you organize, automate, and set up things so your systems and processes are running smoothly behind the scenes even when you are not.

We have also streamlined the process of getting your systems set up (I mean it's kind of our jam!) so that it's the quickest and easiest process for you. This includes questionnaires, some Loom videos and an easy access, one-stop spot for you to tell us what you need!

Well, right now of course! If you've finally arrived at the realization that you need help and you're actively seeking it, you probably needed our help months ago. No more wasted time! Imagine being all organized, streamlined, and set up in only 60 days!

Instead of just giving you a virtual assistant, we save you 6 months worths of work with a VA trying to get your systems in order. We get it done in 60 days with our proven process. THEN, and only then, do we match you with your perfect fit VA.

Pre-work: You'll begin by completing some pre-work we will send you. This will set our work up for success. It’s a series of questionnaires and document uploading so we can get familiar with your business and begin to see the processes that are in place or missing.

Systems Setup: Our systems setup always starts with a 60-minute systems audit via Zoom. Here we will dive deep into your current processes and determine how they can be streamlined and automated. Then, we get busy on our 60-day setup, while communicating with you all along!

VA Matching & Onboarding: This actually begins during our first meeting. We work hard to understand what's unique about your business and how you operate as the owner. We comb through our database of Virtual Assistants and we conduct pre-interviews. Once we feel like we have a match for you, we set up a time for the two of you to get acquainted. If all goes well and the two of you click like we think you will, we get you all set up to begin working together. You won't have to fumble through any paperwork or contracts, we take care of all that for you.

On-going Support: We don't just drop you after providing a VA. We stay in touch regularly with you AND your VA to make sure things are operating smoothly & effectively. We also schedule a systems audit EVERY QUARTER so your business systems and processes grow with you.

Absolutely! This is one of our favorite things to do. After over a decade in the online business world, we have tried out, tested, and discarded MANY (and I mean many) tools. We have several favorites which we may recommend. However, we won't suggest something that isn't the right fit for you. We work with you to find tools that are the best fit for you and your business.

No. Many tools have ongoing costs associated if you decide to use premium features. However, many are free and will work perfectly with no need to upgrade. Most tech tools have free trials and if you do decide to upgrade, many times we can provide a discount!

We can still help you! For the systems setup fee, we provide our 60 Days Systems Setup service. This does not include any VA training or onboarding.

We can still match you to a VA. If you decide to skip over our Systems Setup service, we provide an initial systems audit plus VA matching and onboarding for a one-time fee of $1000. Then you enroll in one of our 3 packages depending on how many hours per month you need from your new VA.

Our Systems Setup service has two payment options. You may pay the $5000 one-time fee in full or you may pay $2500 to get things started and the remaining $2500 one month later.

Only the best! We continue to monitor your working relationship with your VA each and every month and we help you with any issues or communication needs if they arise. Also, if a transition ever needs to occur, we will match you with another qualified VA at no additional cost to you. Along with our ongoing support and management, your VA gets ongoing training from us plus you get quarterly audits with one of our systems experts who keeps your VA updated on any systems needs you have.

Absolutely! The ongoing relationship with your VA will evolve and grow, so as your needs change we make adjustments when they're needed. All you need to do is let us know and we'll take care of the details for you.

Yes! If you choose to give up the ongoing management and other resources we provide and hire your VA privately outside of Systems to Scale, we do offer the option of a contract buy-out after you have worked with your VA for 12 months. Please contact us for more details.

What’s your Systems Score?

Take our free quiz to find out how healthy your systems are.

Are your systems and processes overdue for a checkup? Get your Systems Score and find out how many hours per month your systems are saving you!